Often overlooked as a holiday destination by nearby Delphi, Itea is a small waterfront town that combines both mountain and sea – the perfect destination for those seeking an authentic Greek experience. From stunning beaches, jaw-dropping mountain scenery, top-notch cuisine and the warm Hellenic welcome, Itea is a town you don’t want to miss on your Greek adventure! To help you enjoy your stay, we’ve put together a list of Itea travel trips, so you can enjoy all that this magical location has to offer!

Eat and drink like a local

Pic by @my_itea

It goes without saying, one of the best things about travelling and experiencing the world is trying the foods and flavours that other countries are known for. Being located between mountain and sea, the Itean landscape is perfect for harvesting fresh fruit and vegetables and the ocean is filled with plenty of fresh seafood. 

Remember, Greeks eat dinner late – after 9pm. If you’re used to having dinner at around 6pm, be sure to pack some snacks, as many restaurants will be preparing for the evening at this time.

Embrace Greek time

Forget about being punctual… in Greece, nothing needs to be done in a hurry. Just like the Spanish have ‘Mañana’, Greeks have ‘Avrio’. 

Know shop opening hours

Throughout all of Greece, shops and supermarkets are open at odd hours. While stores in touristy areas will remain open, small, local shops tend to follow these hours: Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 9am – 2:30pm and 5:30pm – 8:30pm, Mondays and Wednesdays from 9am – 3pm and closed on Sundays. 

Don’t flush toilet paper

This may come as a surprise to some, but toilet paper doesn’t go down the loo in Greece, rather it’s to be put in the bin. The reason for this is because the drains in Greece are very narrow and get clogged easily if paper is flushed. While there are some exceptions to this rule (in new buildings and touristy cities), if you’re unsure, it’s best to use the bin.

Take plenty of cash

While the amount of stores that accept card has been on the rise, there are still some stores that only accept cash.

Smoking in Greece

Greeks smoke…. A lot. It’s estimated that about 50% of Greeks smoke. While there are anti-smoking laws in place that stop people from smoking indoors, it’s still common to walk into a cafe or restaurant where people are smoking.

Dress appropriately

Pic by @mizroxx

While the younger generation of Greeks regard themselves as modern and open-minded, the older generation is quite conservative. Unless in a designated nudist beach, nudity is frowned upon, and if visiting churches and monasteries, you will need to cover up (no skimpy shorts or shirts).

Learn the language!

Pic by @chrispetropoulos1

While locals don’t expect foreigners to speak any Greek, they do love it when you’ve learnt a couple of words. To really experience Itea like a local, learn how to say simple words and phrases such as, hello (yasou), please (parakalo) and thank you (efcharisto). Any effort to speak Greek will have you honoured as a ‘xenos’, which means both foreigner and guest.

Interested in learning more about Itea? Experience the local charm of Itea and the Mediterranean on the Choice Touring by Globus ‘Oh my Goddess: Greece by Design’ holiday.

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