It’s a new year, which means new spotlights for the Globus family of brands’ Lighthouse Project. For the January spotlight, we would like to introduce you to The Kangaroo Sanctuary.  

The Kangaroo Sanctuary is one of our planet-focused initiatives that we support in order to do our part to keep the world in its best light. While we take travellers to many corners of the earth, we also want to ensure that we make every effort to conserve and preserve each destination.  

The Kangaroo Sanctuary, Australia

Found in the heart of Alice Springs, Australia, The Kangaroo Sanctuary opened in 2011 – a 188-acre wildlife sanctuary for rescued and/or orphaned baby and adult kangaroos. Those at the sanctuary work tirelessly to rescue, rehabilitate and release kangaroos back into the wild. There are some kangaroos who can’t be released, so then begin to call the sanctuary their home. With a motto of “Animals Come First”, their mission is to educate and encourage people to rescue and care for kangaroos and other wildlife. 

For more information on the Globus family of brands’ Lighthouse Project, click here

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