2021 will mark the 51st year of recognising 22 April as Earth Day, a day that is part of a greater worldwide effort to raise awareness of our planet’s environment.
Up until 1970, the world wasn’t very aware of the pollution around us which was increasingly threatening human health. With the culmination of various events creating a snowball effect of an effort to raise awareness of protecting our planet (and therefore, us), Earth Day was born with the first one held in America on 22 April 1970. From inspiring 20 million Americans, Earth Day has now expanded across the globe with more than one billion people marking this day of action and change.
Of course, the fight to change global, national and even local policies is ever-growing and constant with issues (like global warming) increasingly rearing their ugly heads every day.
For nearly a century, we have cast a light on the world’s most fascinating places and people – inviting wayfarers and wanderers (like you!) to bask in their glory, intrigue and wonder. Immersed in enlightening experiences, we naturally gain a deeper appreciation – one that leads to greater compassion, consideration and curiosity as we ask ourselves, “what else can we do to protect our planet, preserve our sacred places and help humankind?’.
Enter the Globus family of brands Lighthouse Project – an illuminating initiative that we are proud to launch today, where we can all come together to reduce our environmental footprint and give generously for the globe’s greater good.

The Lighthouse Project is focused on three give-back categories – planet, people and places – with almost 50 causes across the board (and more on the way!). As we make our way through this journey, we will be putting the spotlight on one organisation each month; with our first being The Ocean Cleanup.
Since 2019 we have been an official partner of The Ocean Cleanup, a non-profit organisation, supporting them in their efforts to develop advanced technologies to rid the oceans of plastic.
“Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans, of which the majority spills out from rivers. A portion of this plastic travels to ocean garbage patches, getting caught in a vortex of circulating currents. If no action is taken, the plastic will increasingly impact our ecosystems, health, and economies.”
– The Ocean Cleanup

Since rivers are the main source of ocean plastic pollution, The Ocean Cleanup is focused on cleaning up 1,000 rivers across the globe. We were proud as punch to be a partner at the launch of the “Interceptor” in Rotterdam in October 2019: the first scalable solution to prevent plastic from entering the world’s oceans from rivers. Being 100% solar powered and able to extract plastic autonomously in most of the world’s most polluting rivers, there are currently three Interceptors deployed – in Jakarta, Malaysia, and the Dominican Republic – with more on their way. Take a look at how the Interceptor works its magic below:
We’d love for you to join us on our Globus family of brands Lighthouse Project journey, so stay tuned for more exciting initiatives coming your way!