For the coffee fans out there, there’s nothing quite like that first sip of a hot brew as part of your routine. When you head off overseas, there’s no reason why it should have to stop! The delicious drink is found all around the world so make sure you try each destination’s take.  

With International Coffee Day fast approaching on 1 October, sit back with a fresh cuppa and take a look at Part III of our Coffee Around The World series.  Part I can be found here; and part II can be found here.  


In typical German fashion, coffee (or kaffee) is brewed and drunk in a very simple, no-fuss way. Most locals will stick to drip coffee – seeing as a German invented this method – for an effective and quick way to get their daily fix. 


While often known for their tea, coffee is slowly becoming more popular in Japan. Black coffee is the most common way you will find it served, with over 50% of Japanese locals drinking it like this. One of the best parts about coffee in Japan? Keep an eye out for their drink vending machines where you can buy a can of the good stuff for just ¥100 (or AUD$1), perfect for when you’re on-the-go!  


The USA is famous for their seemingly never-ending flavour options that are incorporated into the classic filter coffee. The powerhouse that is Starbucks is prolific at introducing different varieties, particularly around different holiday seasons – for example, a pumpkin spiced frappuccino at Halloween.  


Similar to Japan, tea is often associated with Britain; however instant coffee is a crowd favourite amongst 80% of British households! Looking outside of the home, there is a rise in the number of cafés selling barista-made coffee like flat whites, cappuccinos and lattes.  


Did you know that Kenya is the fifth largest coffee producer in Africa? The climate and soil produce delicious coffee beans with most of the produce exported overseas. Coffeehouses in Kenya are popular, not just for their coffee, but as a place for people to catch up, work or relax.  


A cafezinho is the coffee order of the day in Brazil. Similar to an espresso, it is comprised of a small cup of filtered coffee with a decent pour of sugar. Brazilians love to add sugar to combat the bitterness of the beans used, creating a simple yet delicious caffeine hit. 

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