The art of coffee has a longstanding history, dating back to 800 AD. Legend has it that goat herders noticed the effect the fruit of the coffea plant had on their goats after eating it. It made the goats lively and appear to ‘dance’. A local monk then produced a drink with it that kept him awake at night…and the rest is history!  

Coffee is found all round the world and made in different ways, so let’s discover more about coffee around the world – part II! Part I can be found here.  

Vietnam: Cà phê dá 

Vietnamese coffee
Photo by @allentan84 on Instagram

Vietnam’s cà phê dá can quickly become a daily habit – especially if you like your coffee on the sweet side! Brewed through a French drip filter, the strong coffee is mixed with condensed milk in a short glass. It can also be served over ice which is a refreshing treat with Vietnam’s hot temperatures. 

Sweden: Kaffeost 

Swedish kaffeost
Photo by @bakeandfeast_by_s on Instagram

Sweden’s kaffeost is an acquired taste. Its name literally translates to ‘coffee cheese’ which is exactly what it sounds like! The Swedish love to have a hot cup of coffee poured over cubes of leipäjuusto cheese. Their neighbours in Finland have adopted a similar technique, except serve the cheese on the side.  

Austria: Weiner mélange 

Austrian wiener melange
Photo by @roundthecorner_j on Instagram

You won’t be short of a café or coffee house in Austria, particularly in Vienna. Vienna’s coffee house culture has even been recognised by UNESCO as part of Austria’s intangible cultural heritage! A weiner mélange is a common type of coffee found throughout the country. Picture a shot of espresso topped with steamed milk and foam – similar to a cappuccino. If you’re feeling decadent, you can ask for whipped cream and cocoa powder too.  

Brazil: Cafezinho 

Considering Brazil grows the most coffee in the world (producing around one third of the world’s supply), Brazilians take their coffee very seriously. Sugar is added early on while brewing a cafezinho before it’s filtered through a special cloth flannel. Served hot, black and sweet, this is a true icon of the country’s hospitality.  

New Zealand: flat white 

Flat white coffee, New Zealand
Photo by @mountaincoffeesurfers on Instagram

There’s a bit of contentious history between New Zealand and its Tasman neighbour, Australia, over who invented the flat white first. Either way, a flat white is smoother than a cappuccino but stronger than a latte. Generally served as a double shot of espresso with not-quite-frothy, hot milk, it’s a popular order amongst New Zealanders (and Australians).  

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