Located 18km off the coast of Perth, Western Australia, Rottnest Island is known globally for its soft sand beaches, abundant marine life and quokkas; the ‘happiest animal on earth’. Roughly the size of a domestic cat, with the body of a kangaroo, these tiny marsupials are only found on Rottnest Island, and have made quite a name for themselves on social media, as their inquisitive nature means that they’re not afraid of humans, so will come right up close, creating endless candid picture-perfect moments.
If you look up #quokkaselfie on Instagram, you’ll see that there are more than 35, 000 posts of people posing with these cute island critters. This sensation has led to many people flocking to Rottnest Island with the sole purpose of being to grab the perfect quokka selfie. While social media might have you believing otherwise, there is, in fact, an art to getting the perfect quokka selfie. Follow our tips below so you can capture your moment with the world’s happiest animal with ease.
Quokka Selfie Photography Tips:
- Phone or Camera
- Clothes you don’t mind getting dirty (you’ll need to lie down and get level with the quokka if you’re after perfection)
- A smile to match the quokkas
- Selfie Stick (if you’re using your phone – it makes taking the picture much easier!)

Best Time and The Approach
Quokka’s are nocturnal animals, so spend the days sleeping. Make sure you’re ready to snap your quokka photos at either sunrise or sunset.
Quokka’s are naturally inquisitive animals, so there’s no need for you to approach them. Simply get down to their level (this means crouching or lying down if you can) and wait for them to come to you.
Capturing the Famous Quokka Smile
The famous quokka smile, which led them to being named the ‘happiest animal on the planet’, becomes visible when they look up towards the camera with their necks stretched out in curiosity, or are mid-meal. You might have to practice some patience in order to capture this moment, but it’s definitely worth waiting for!

Don’t touch them!
While taking a photo with a quokka is a magical experience, and it can be easy to get caught up in the moment; it’s important that you don’t touch them or offer them food. They are classified as a vulnerable species (there are roughly 12, 000 on the island) and are protected by law. It’s important that you don’t harm or feed them.

If you follow these tips, you’ll be well prepped for capturing the perfect quokka selfie. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your Rottnest Island trip with Cosmos now, where you can enjoy all the magic that the island and Western Australia has to offer on the 7-day Western Australia Discovery tour.