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Kings Canyon
Australia, By Destination

The NT: more than just crocs and rocks.

The Northern Territory is certainly more than just crocs and rocks! Globus family of brands’ Business Development Manager, Melinda, recently experienced our Cosmos ‘Top End & Central Australia Explorer’ tour. Melinda fell in love with a place that had always played second fiddle to the appeal of holidaying on Queensland’s idyllic beaches.  Whether you’re […]

By Destination, North America

The Five Best Places to see the East Coast’s Autumn Colours.

While the Southern Hemisphere moves into spring and warmer temperatures, the Northern Hemisphere is doing the complete opposite. In particular, the East Coast of the USA wholeheartedly embraces autumn (or, fall as the Americans call it) and all it stands for.   Picture soul-warming drinks like pumpkin spice coffees or apple cider, seasonal fruit harvests, and who could forget the blazing […]

Milford Track
By Destination, New Zealand

Tick off one of New Zealand’s Great Walks.

New Zealand is famed around the globe for its variety of scenery and landscapes, especially perfect for those who are outdoor enthusiasts. From lush rainforests to towering mountains, and active volcanoes to picture-perfect beaches, we would highly recommend including a Great Walk of New Zealand on your holiday!   There are ten Great Walks in total, dotted around the country […]

Europe winter
By Destination, Europe

7 European cities that are winter stand outs.

We often think of Europe and summer as two co-existing elements – with hot summer days stretching well into the night, lapping up Vitamin D with ocean swims, and never-ending gelato to cool down. But hang on…what’s not to love about winter time in Europe? Often overlooked, winter time has its own unique set of perks. Popular cities and attractions will […]

Kakadu National Park
Australia, By Destination

Cultural Highlights in the Northern Territory.

Globus family of brands’ National Account Manager, Sarah, experienced our Cosmos ‘Top End & Central Australia Explorer’ tour in early July. Designed specifically for Australians and New Zealanders travelling close to home (or at least, just across the Tasman Sea!), let’s delve into Sarah’s most memorable cultural highlights.  I recently travelled through the Northern Territory on the Cosmos ‘Top End […]